Tulsa, Trump Rally, Fauci, NFL and Paul v Floyd

Steve and Jim are together in the Cleveland Studio to discuss the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Massacre and the backlash from opponents of open discussion about historic (and current) racism. We also discuss Jim returning home to a Trump Rally, Roger Stone vs Steve Bannon, Fauci emails, Israel, the NFL’s policy on “race-normalizing”, Naomi Osaka and Logan Paul vs Floyd Mayweather…plus more. Enjoy.
@whiskeycongress on IG and Twitter
Steve is an affordable multifamily housing professional that is also the co-founder of Whiskey Congress. Steve has written for national publications such as The National Marijuana News and other outlets as a guest blogger on topics covering sports, politics, and cannabis. Steve loves whiskey, cigars, and uses powerlifting as an outlet to deal with the fact that no one listens to his brilliant ideas.