Participation Trophy Part 2

Steve and Jim talk about the HBO project Confederate and HBO’s programming history. We also talk about the latest news in NFL National Anthem protests. Policing in the inner-city, black on black violence, the prison industrial complex and the deeper issues related to changing the problems in the inner city. Amazingly the subject of women’s soccer comes up for longer than ever on our show…enjoy. Email us: jim@whiskeycongress.com. or steve@whiskeycongress.com. Or reach out to us on Twitter, Instagram and SnapChat…@whiskeycongress
Steve is an affordable multifamily housing professional that is also the co-founder of Whiskey Congress. Steve has written for national publications such as The National Marijuana News and other outlets as a guest blogger on topics covering sports, politics, and cannabis. Steve loves whiskey, cigars, and uses powerlifting as an outlet to deal with the fact that no one listens to his brilliant ideas.