R. Kelly Accused of Having A Cult
R. Kelly is back at being weird again. According to a Buzzfeed report Kelly is holding women at his properties in Chicago and Atlanta. If you recall, Kelly was indicted for sex with a minor after a video surfaced of him with a girl that was alleged to be under the age of consent. This instance of R. Kelly being creepy does involve all women of age. On the surface the worst case scenario is kidnapping, multiple counts, very serious charges. Even if it is true there is still a scenario where no crime is being committed and these women are voluntarily staying at his properties. Not sure what is going on here, but what we do know is that R. Kelly is once again showing predator like behavior patterns that we’ve possibly seen before.
The R&B singer R. Kelly is holding six women against their will in an abusive “cult,” according to the parents of several of the women and to three former members of Kelly’s inner circle, whom BuzzFeed interviewed in an explosive new report.
“Six women live in properties rented by Kelly in Chicago and the Atlanta suburbs,” the report says, citing details from Cheryl Mack, Kitti Jones, and Asante McGee, the three former inner-circle members. “He controls every aspect of their lives: dictating what they eat, how they dress, when they bathe, when they sleep, and how they engage in sexual encounters that he records.”
Several of the women’s parents have gone to the police to try to get their daughters back. BuzzFeed reports that one Georgia family told police that their daughter was being held in a “cult” by Kelly, who they say is “abusive and is controlling” her.
The mother of that woman told BuzzFeed that her daughter “looked like a prisoner” when she last saw her and acted as if she were “brainwashed” while continually professing her love for Kelly.
Mack, Jones, and McGee told BuzzFeed that five women who lived with Kelly last summer ranged in age from 18 to 31. Kelly confiscates the women’s cellphones and makes them ask permission to leave the two locations in Chicago and Atlanta, they said.
The BuzzFeed report says that all six of the women living with Kelly now are of the age of consent in Illinois and Georgia, and notes that consenting adults are free to enter “nontraditional” relationships, but the parents of three of the women are nonetheless fighting to get their daughters back.
Kelly has a history of allegations of sexual misconduct with women. He was acquitted in 2008 of 14 charges of child pornography after a six-year trial, which centered on a videotape that prosecutors alleged showed him having sex with a young girl.
Steve is an affordable multifamily housing professional that is also the co-founder of Whiskey Congress. Steve has written for national publications such as The National Marijuana News and other outlets as a guest blogger on topics covering sports, politics, and cannabis. Steve loves whiskey, cigars, and uses powerlifting as an outlet to deal with the fact that no one listens to his brilliant ideas.